Request for Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates
For information on death certificates please visit the following link Service Ontario - what to do when someone dies.
Live Birth Registrations
The Province has now initiated The Newborn Registration Service which bundles a number of services and allows parents to complete the Statement of Live Birth online and apply online for a birth certificate and social insurance number at the same time. The service can be found online at Service Ontario. Questions can be directed to the Newborn Registration Service help desk at 807-343-7418
Marriage Licence Applications
Couples wishing to be married in Ontario must apply for a marriage licence at Service Ontario - Getting Married. The licence is valid anywhere in Ontario.
If you wish to obtain a marriage licence at the Municipality of Lakeshore, you must go to Service Ontario website and apply for a marriage licence online. Appointments can also be made through the website and must be made in advance.
One or both of the applicants may come to the appointment and will be required to swear an oath before a Commissioner of Oath. Below are the requirements when coming in for a marriage licence appointment.
- You must bring two pieces of government-issued identification for each applicant. One ID must include your photo. Our staff member will compare your original ID to the marriage licence application form provided to ensure authenticity and verify signatures.
- Our staff member will complete a draft marriage licence prior to your appointment. You will be required to check over the draft marriage licence and confirm there are no changes to be made.
- When the draft marriage licence is approved, our staff member will print and sign the original marriage licence and give it to you to sign and take along with you.
The fee for marriage licenses is $166.00 per licence. These fees are subject to change annually based on the User Fee By-law.
A marriage licence is valid for use anywhere in Ontario for a period of three months from the date of issue. If a marriage ceremony has not taken place within this three-month period, you will need to reapply for a marriage licence.
It is your responsibility to arrange for the marriage ceremony of your choice with a registered civil or religious officiant. Please be advised that during the Town Hall Renovation project, the Municipality of Lakeshore will not be conducting civil ceremonies.
If you have any questions regarding a request for appointment for a marriage licence, please call Legislative Services at 519-728-2700 or email
Civil Wedding Ceremonies - civil ceremonies are not being performed by the Municipality of Lakeshore at this time.
Contact Us
Lakeshore Town Hall
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N8L 0P8
Phone 519-728-2700
Email Us
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