In Lakeshore, we are fortunate to have more than 60 km of connected, safe, off-road greenway trails. These include the Comber Trail, the Earthwalk Trail (Atlas Tube Centre), and CWATS. These trails were designed for multiple uses, including hiking, cycling, and nature observation.
The Municipality of Lakeshore has a series of county-wide linkages and the start of a trail that has the potential to be a significant greenway linking together a large portion of the Town. These existing pieces of roadside trail, off-road trails, and closed railway corridors can link neighbourhoods to parks, schools, and other community assets. The trails themselves become recreating opportunities for the residents, as well as visitors to the community. The network of multi-use trails, nature trails, footpaths and cycling routes are a critical component of the Community of Parks concept because they connect the assets while simultaneously providing recreational opportunities and choices for the residents. In 2013, in cooperation with other municipalities in Essex County and other Community Groups, the Municipality of Lakeshore has benefited from the overlay of the County Wide Active Transportation Study (CWATS). With a few strategic proposed connections and pathway upgrades, these existing routes can provide viable recreation and connectivity for all users.
The Municipality of Lakeshore has the following 4 season open trails. These trails are maintained during the winter months and the snow cleared within 48 hours of a significant snowfall.
- St. Clair Shores
- Leffler Peace Park
- Centennial Park
- River Ridge Park
- Optimist Park
- Earthwalk Trail at the Atlas Tube Centre
- Lakeview Park
- Comber Fairgrounds Park
- Millen Park
- Stoney Point Park
Click to view the Municipality of Lakeshore Parks Master Plan
Contact Us
Lakeshore Town Hall
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N8L 0P8
Phone 519-728-2700
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