Click here to view the Official Plan Review Page
The Official Plan is a long-term policy document that establishes the basic framework for how our Municipality will evolve over time. It outlines goals, objectives and policies that manage and direct physical change, as well as the effects of that change on the social, economic and natural environment. It describes how land should be used and implements our Municipality’s development and growth management vision. The Official Plan has legal status through the Planning Act which means once set it must be followed.
This plan determines not only where our residential neighbourhoods will be, but what type of neighbourhoods they will be. Where should our stores be? Where should our factories be? They may seem like easy questions, however the plan looks at not only today but 20 years down the road. If you look back even 10 years ago, our Municipality looked very different. Where should we be in another 10 years? 20 years?
What about services? Roads? Water? Sewer? If we want to grow, we need the right services in the right areas. The Official Plan provides that direction which allows Lakeshore to focus resources towards municipal objectives.
Official Plan Amendment
A development proposal that does not conform to Official Plan policies will require an Official Plan Amendment. Before submitting an Official Plan Amendment application, a pre-consultation meeting with Community Planning staff is mandatory. The purpose of the meeting is to provide initial feedback on the proposed amendment, and to outline the studies and reports that need to be submitted with the application.
Learn more about Official Plan amendments
Schedule C2 Land Use Belle River
Schedule C3 Land Use Emeryville
Schedule C4 Land Use Russell Woods
Schedule C5 Land Use Wallace Woods
Schedule C6 Land Use Patillo Advance
Schedule C7 Land Use Amy Croft Manning Road
Schedule C8 Land Use Stoney Point
Schedule C9 Land Use Lighthouse Cove
Schedule C10 Land Use Comber
Schedule C11 Land Use County Road 22 Special Planning Area
Contact Us
Community Planning
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N0R 1A0
Phone: 519-728-2818