Plan of Subdivision
When you divide a piece of land into two or more parcels and offer one or more for sale, you are subdividing property, and need to obtain a draft approval of plan of subdivision. If you are creating only a lot or two, you may seek approval for Consent. Applications for draft approval of plan of subdivision are submitted to the County of Essex and the Municipality of Lakeshore. The county is the approval authority.
Approval Process
Applications are assessed on the basis of the land's underlying land use designation, and the associated policies of the Official Plan. Section 8.3.3 of the Official Plan has specific policies that apply to draft approval of plan of subdivision applications.
The approval process ensures that:
- the land is suitable for its proposed new use;
- the proposal conforms to the Official Plan and zoning in your community, as well as to provincial legislation and policies;
- you, your neighbours and your community are protected from developments which are inappropriate or may put an undue strain on community facilities, services or finances.
A number of plans and studies will be required as part of your draft approval of plan of subdivision application. The applicant will first request and attend a pre-consultation meeting with the municipality to be made aware of the plans and studies required.
Once the municipality has received your application and fees, the application package is circulated to internal departments and external agencies for detailed review and comment. Community Planning will coordinate the responses from this circulation, and will send the information to you so that you can revise your proposal. For development, design and drawing requirements please refer to our municipality's Development Manual.
A staff report containing recommendations on your application is prepared for council. Council will consider this report at a Public Meeting and will provide the public with an opportunity to make comments. Council will then make a recommendation on your application to the County of Essex.
Plan of Condominium
A plan of condominium is a method of dividing property so that an individual holds title to a portion of a building, or a "unit", as well as a share of the rest of the property that is common to all the individual unit owners. A condominium can apply to residential, commercial or industrial properties.
You must review your proposal with staff at a pre-consultation meeting prior to submitting a draft plan of condominium application. You will be told of any supporting information and studies required. The approval process is similar to draft approval of plan of subdivision and the County of Essex is the approval authority for draft plan of condominium.
Contact Us
Community Planning
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N0R 1A0
Phone: 519-728-2818