Telecommunication towers/facilities are regulated and approved by Industry Canada, a department of the federal government. They are not regulated by the Municipality of Lakeshore through its Official Plan, Zoning By-law or Site Plan approval process. However, Industry Canada does recognize that land use authorities are best positioned to contribute to optimal site selection of facilities, and have required (other than a few exceptions) that applicants for Telecommunication Facilities consult with the Municipality prior to the issuance of a license.
Council has passed a policy that provides guidance to the Municipality, proponents and the general public in considering proposals to locate telecommunication towers / antenna facilities. This policy outlines the local land use consultation process and guidelines to be followed in evaluating telecommunication facility proposals within the Municipality of Lakeshore. It provides opportunities for public feedback regarding the site selection process.
Contact Us
Community Planning
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N0R 1A0
Phone: 519-728-2818