File: OPA-3-2015
The Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan came into effect in November 2010. In 2015 the Municipality initiated a detailed and comprehensive review of the plan. A professional service firm was retained by Lakeshore to assist in this review.
The main purpose of the review is to update the Official Plan to reflect new planning policies introduced by the county and province since the plan was adopted. The process began with an Issues and Policy Directions Report which identified key issues with the Official Plan and proposed new policy directions.
The following studies have been undertaken to facilitate the Official Plan Review:
Residential Intensification Strategy
Residential intensification means directing new residential growth to existing built-up areas within settlements. This practice protects greenfield land and makes efficient use of public infrastructure. The Residential Intensification Strategy was completed to help Lakeshore implement provincial intensification policies and achieve its residential intensification targets as outlined in the County of Essex Official Plan.
Affordable Housing Strategy
An Affordable Housing Strategy was initiated to help the Municipality of Lakeshore address housing needs and provide opportunities for more affordable housing. The policies and strategies developed through this study will provide Lakeshore with a broad range of housing types and tenures.
Growth Forecast Update and Employment Land Needs
A Growth Analysis Study was undertaken by Lakeshore to update its growth forecasts. In particular, employment growth forecasts and land needs had to be updated to ensure the sufficient supply of employment lands for future employment growth.
Natural Heritage Review
Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has undertaken a review of Lakeshore's natural heritage and natural hazard Official Plan policies. Updates on these issues will bring the Municipality's policies into conformity with county and provincial policies. ERCA will support the preparation of a natural heritage systems strategy and provide updates to the natural heritage feature mapping.
Natural Environment Design: Figure 3 - County OP - Schedule B1
Natural Heritage Overlay: Figure 4 - County OP - Schedule B2
Restoration Opportunities Overlay: Figure 5 - County OP - Schedule B3
Areas Susceptible to Flooding: Figure 6 - County OP - Schedule C1
Regulated Areas: Figure 7 - County OP - Schedule C2
Public Participation
Summary of Changes to the Current Official Plan
If you don't want to view the entire updated Official Plan, below are a few links that will provide you with an overview of the changes:
Official Plan Update
Currently the Municipality of Lakeshore is processing an amendment to the Official Plan that will incorporate recommendations from the entire Official Plan Review.
Contact Us
Community Planning
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N0R 1A0
Phone: 519-728-2818