Have your say!
Share feedback on Lakeshore’s Water and Wastewater Master Plan
We’re conducting an update to the Water and Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP), which will help ensure proper planning and project guidelines for the implementation of water and wastewater infrastructure investments.
To help us update the plan, we want to hear from residents and stakeholders!
Learn more about the project, join us for an upcoming Public Information Centre (PIC), or submit your feedback and sign up for updates online.
Check out the full project page and learn more at the link below.
We need your help to make Lakeshore more accessible!
Share your experiences with accessibility in Lakeshore as we work to create the 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
Community feedback will help provide insight into gaps and barriers that currently exist for people with disabilities, as well as provide Lakeshore’s Accessibility Advisory Committee with ideas on how to reduce or eliminate those barriers.
Share your feedback and stay tuned for upcoming events at Lakeshore.ca/Accessibility
Did you know?
For local governments in Ontario, accessibility laws and standards are grouped into five categories:
Customer service
Information & communication
Built environment/design of public spaces
Phase 2 of Stoney Point Community Park visioning coming up!
Stoney Point/Point-aux-Roches residents, community organizations, and park visitors are invited to once again share their feedback on the future of Stoney Point Community Park and potential community hub.
The second phase of the engagement process will involve the identification of themes as well as summarizing community feedback from the first phase of visioning, which started in 2022. An external design consultant will use this information to create a Concept Plan for the design of Stoney Point Community Park.
Residents and park users will be asked to provide feedback on the Concept Plan via online survey and during a community meeting, expected in the Fall of 2023, date and location to be announced.
Stay tuned and sign up for project updates at:

Community organizations are invited to apply for grants under Lakeshore’s Community Benefit Fund!
Eligible organizations can apply for cash grants, in-kind support, or fee waivers for local projects.
Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2023. Learn more and apply online at Lakeshore.ca/CBF
Noise By-Law Review
Share your feedback online and at upcoming open house
We’re conducting a review of Lakeshore’s Noise By-law, which currently sets out restrictions on noise levels, types of noise, permitted time periods, as well as noise permits and exemptions.
As part of the review, residents and local stakeholders are invited to share their thoughts and feedback through a community survey and at an upcoming open house:
- Thursday, August 17, 2023
5:00 to 7:00 PM
Atlas Tube Recreation Centre
447 Renaud Line Road
Learn more and share your feedback at Lakeshore.ca/Noise
Help Keep Local Parks Clean and Safe!
As the summer season kicks back up, we’re putting the call out to residents and visitors to keep our local parks clean and safe for all users.
When you visit a park, please use the provided garbage and recycling containers, and take additional garbage home with you, if possible.
Anyone with information related to acts of vandalism should contact Lakeshore OPP at 519-728-1810 or anonymously via CrimeStoppers at www.CrimeStoppers.ca.
To report a problem related to vandalism or damage of parks and other public property, contact Lakeshore at:
519-728-2700 or

Lakeshore’s Public Service Unit (PSU) continues to serve as a one-stop shop for citizen and customer inquiries. The PSU is available on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Call or email the team today!
Mayor’s Message
Lakeshore is in for a fun-packed summer!
Summer is officially here and there’s no shortage of local fun to be had!
Whether you dive in to the festivities at this year’s Sunsplash Festival, hosted by the Belle River BIA from July 13 to 16, or take in the sights and sounds of the historic 164th Annual Comber Fair, hosted by the Comber Fair Board from August 11 to 13, these events are a great opportunity to see some of the incredible work of organizations who serve our residents and communities.
On behalf of Council, I’d like to thank both of these organizations, as well as the many other local groups and individuals who volunteer their time to host events that make Lakeshore a great place to live and play.
And if you happen to enjoy one of these events with your friends and family, keep in mind the dedication and commitment of these great groups!
Together we are Lakeshore!
We want to hear from you!
We want to hear from you!
Sign up for community surveys and check out upcoming engagement events online at Lakeshore.ca/Engage
Contact Us