Have your say on traffic in Lakeshore!
Lakeshore wants to hear from residents about traffic issues as well as feedback on current and potential traffic management policies.
Learn more and share your feedback at an upcoming Public Information Centre (to be announced) and through our online community survey and traffic feedback tools.
Learn more about traffic management, submit your ideas, and find updates about the Traffic Management Policy review process, online at Lakeshore.ca/Traffic-Management
Hosting a local event?
Post online to our free community calendar!
Looking to promote your organization’s community events? Check out our free online community calendar! Submit events online to help reach residents throughout Lakeshore. Plus, stay up-to-date on local happenings by subscribing to email updates. For more, call the PSU at 519-728-2700 ext. 0 or visit Lakeshore.ca/Events
Mayor’s Message
Strategic planning is critical to Council’s long-term success
Members of Council, senior staff, and I are well into one of the most critical parts of the 2022-2026 Council term, strategic planning.
This three-step process, facilitated by J.P. Gedeon, Chief Executive Officer of Transformative Directions, will help build a consensus around Council’s vision as well as a roadmap of where we want to take our municipality over the next three years.
While the plan will focus primarily on this term of Council, it will also consider what a long-term vision of Lakeshore looks like; how our communities develop; how infrastructure will meet our needs; and even how we’ll grow 20 years down the road. While long-term decisions may not rest with this Council, it’s our duty to understand and plan ahead to ensure future leaders can meet Lakeshore’s needs.
We are lucky to have a team of incredibly knowledgeable Council members with deep ties to our wards, communities, and residents. As elected leaders, the strategic planning process will give us the opportunity to identify how our individual goals can come together. While we may not always agree, given our diverse opinions and approaches, we are united in our desire to serve Lakeshore and our community members.
The strategic plan will continue to reflect the core principle that together we are Lakeshore.
Mayor Tracey Bailey
Sensory Skates happening now at the ATRC!
Join us for our new sensory- friendly skates happening now at the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre. Lights will be dimmed, noise reduced, and maintenance operations paused to help create a better environment for participants with sensory sensitivities.
The inspiration for the sensory friendly programming came from Shari Fallon, Director of Events for the Belle River District Minor Hockey Association.
“At a recent board meeting of the Belle River District Minor Hockey Association, there was a conversation about inclusion gaps and how as a hockey association we can help close those gaps,” she said.
The decision to offer ice time to individuals with disabilities is one way to address inclusion gaps.
“The goal is to welcome individuals of all ages who are interested in fun and physical activity, while also giving them the opportunity to forge new friendships,” added Frank Jeney, Lakeshore’s Division Leader - Community Services.
Participants must pre-register by calling 519-727-0470. Skate dates are scheduled as follows:
- Mondays, April 3 to May 29. 1:00 to 2:00 PM
- Fridays, April 21 to August 18. 5:30 to 6:30 PM (except May 5)
- Mondays, July 3 to August 14. 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Celebrate Canada Day at the ATRC & West Beach
Join Lakeshore for our annual Canada Day Festivities on Saturday, July 1!
- Family activities: 4:00 to 8:00 PM
- Live music: 7:30 to 9:30 PM
- Fireworks at dusk!
Stay tuned for more info at
Go Paperless with E-billing!
Sign up online to receive property tax and water bills straight to your email inbox
Property tax and water account holders can now receive bills directly to their email inbox.
The new option, introduced earlier this year, will help reduce paper usage and provide you access to your billing information from anywhere in the world!
To sign up, you’ll need your name, property address, and contact information, as well as your water account and/or property tax roll number.
Learn more and sign up online at Lakeshore.ca/Ebilling
2023 Project Map Out Now
Find projects happening in your backyard
Lakeshore’s online tool to help residents learn about upcoming capital projects happening in your community is out now!
The 2023 project map highlights the location of significant projects throughout Lakeshore along with descriptions, budget information, and stage of the project.
Residents can also search for projects happening in their own neighbourhood.
Check out the full project map online at: Lakeshore.ca/ProjectMap
Emergency Preparedness Week is May 7 to 13, 2023.
The week encourages everyone to take three simple steps to become better prepared to face a range of emergencies:
- Know the risks
- Make a plan
- Get an emergency kit
Learn more about local emergency preparedness at: Lakeshore.ca/Prepare
Park Concert Series is back!
The popular Friday Night Music - Park Concert Series is back in 2023!
From July 7 to August 25, stop by a local park for some toe-tapping fun.
Follow us on social media for reminders and cancellations.
Stay tuned for more information, a list of performers, and a schedule of park performances at: Lakeshore.ca/ParksConcerts
Upcoming Engagement Topics & Events
- Stormwater Master Plan (Phase 2)
Public Information Centre
Wednesday, June 14 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Libro Community Centre, Woodslee - Water and Wastewater Master Plan
Spring/Summer 2023 - Accessibility Plan Update
Spring/Summer 2023 - Roads Needs Study
Late 2023 - Stoney Point Community Park Visioning (Phase 2)
Fall 2023
Read Lakeshore’s Communications & Engagement Master Plan and find current/upcoming engagement projects online at: Lakeshore.ca/Engage
Contact Us
Lakeshore Town Hall
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N8L 0P8
Phone 519-728-2700
Email Us
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