The following is a brief recap of the main issues and matters that Council dealt with at the meeting held on October 1, 2024. A video recording of the meeting will also be posted at
These highlights are not official minutes of the meeting and are meant solely for the purpose of general communications. The approved minutes provide the only official record of Council Proceedings and decisions.
Appointed Michael Hoffman to fill the vacancy for the office of Councillor – Ward 2. Mr. Hoffman made his declaration of office and was officially sworn in as a member of Council.
- Appointed Councillor Hoffman as Council representative on the Dog Pound Committee for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term.
Held a public meeting under the Planning Act and approved the following applications:
- Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-12-2024 (0 Rourke Line Road) to rezone the lands from the Mixed Use Exception 37 (MU-37(h30)) Zone to Mixed Use Holding Provision 30 (MU(h30)); and
Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-14-2024 (1477 County Road 22), to rezone the west and north portions of the property to Mixed Use Exception (MU-39) Zone with Holding Provision (H30) and to rezone the southeast corner of the site to Mixed Use (MU) Zone with Holding Provision 30 (H30).
Received a presentation by Harry Cummings and Associates Inc. and J.L. Richards & Associates Limited regarding the Greenhouse Business Park Plan Study Update and deferred consideration of the report pending a response from the County of Essex on Official Plan Amendment No.18; requested that the County of Essex to make a modification to Section 6.2.1 (h) of OPA No. 18 (Greenhouse Official Plan Amendment) to state that: monitoring and review of the Official Plan policies will be undertaken to identify trends in greenhouse issues in the Region, to analyze the impact of future water main expansions, as well as trends in the price of land and demand for Large Scale Commercial greenhouses in Lakeshore. Reporting back to Council on the monitoring of the policies and issues will be in the form of annual briefings or status reports; and further directed that Administration prepare a follow-up report regarding interim mitigation measures that are currently in place or require updating, as well as the financial impacts on the Municipality that would need to be recouped by development charges.
Received the following reports for information:
Directed Administration to advise the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan of subdivision approval for Rourke Line Road and County Road 22 by MGV Development Inc., as described in the report regarding S-A-01-2020 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for Rourke Line and County Road 22 by MGV Development.
Considered a report regarding S-A-02-2023 Execution of Subdivision Agreement for River Ridge Phase 8 by 1156756 Ontario Ltd. and adopted By-law 85-2024 to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement.
Held a Committee of the Whole and received the Establishing a Municipal Heritage Committee and Heritage Act Changes report for information only.
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