Shared on behalf of Lakeside Little League.
In Spring of 2025, the kids and families of Greater Essex County will have a new option for playing baseball in their communities. With a boundary expanding from the shores of Belle River to the shores of Kingsville and Leamington, up to Tilbury and down through Essex, Lakeside Little League offers an umbrella organization that will create organizational and financial efficiencies making youth baseball both competitive and affordable.
Starting at age four, children can sign up for Lakeside’s Learn to Play program which introduces baseball basics in a fun and developmentally appropriate way. Ages fi ve and six move onto Lakeside’s Tee Ball program which continues to build upon the rules of the game and competition. Ages seven and eight move to the machine-pitch Single A program; ages nine and ten to kid-pitch AA; and ages 11 and 12 can play either AAA or in the Majors League.
Lakeside Little League differentiates itself from other Leagues because each game in their regular season matters, affecting standings up through end of season playoff s. They will be offering quality umpiring at all ages, free skills clinics, and training for coaches and volunteers is free through Little League International. Additionally, before the season starts, kids participate in a “draft” so that teams will be balanced by skill level.
League President Kurt Barr can’t wait to get started. “Little League offers a competitive environment all season, which really sets us apart from other local organizations. And once the kids are nine and ten, there’s potential to compete at the district and provincial levels through our All Star teams; then, at age 11 and 12 they also have the opportunity to compete at the national and international level at the ESPN aired Little League World series. It’s just a phenomenal experience from start to finish.”
Barr continues, “We plan to pour our heart and soul into all levels of this organization, including our Learn to Play and Tee-ball teams. Often the little ones get overlooked, but that’s where the love of the game and the instruction really starts. Your four year old is going to get the same quality attention and age appropriate structure as your 12 year old.”
But the Lakeside Board doesn’t plan to stop at instruction and play. As a part of their Play Today, Play Tomorrow campaign Lakeside is already working on ball park complex renderings.
“We feel like the county is overdue for a centralized diamond facility that will serve as a hub for baseball and community in Essex County,” states Barr. “Lakeside hopes to bring that to the kids.” A local architect is currently working on ball park renderings, which will be made available at within the coming weeks. “We need more donations and passionate people: land, construction, trades. It will be a team eff ort. Turf, lights - we want to do it all.” The League hopes naming rights for parts of this facility will entice anyone thinking of donating. “It’s a pretty cool legacy to leave,” Barr adds. Lakeside also plans to seek grants to make this field vision a reality.
While pre-registration is open by email through their website, early bird registration officially begins on October 15, 2024.
The season runs from May through the end of June and the birthday cutoff is August 31, meaning whatever your child’s age is by August 31, 2025 is the age division he or she will play in.
“If your child has never played before, or if you think the Little League experience may be a better fi t for your child - we can’t wait to sign him or her up. Lakeside is all about the kids and everyone is welcome,” says Barr.
More information about Lakeside Little League is available at
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