Notice of Public Hearing, Municipality of Lakeshore
In the Matter Of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 1, as amended, and, in the matter of an application for consent by:
Subject Property: 1361 County Road 27
Applicant(s): Daniel Barrette
Purpose of Application: The Municipality of Lakeshore has received an application to sever a residential lot from the subject property (1361 County Road 27). The severed lot will have a frontage of approximately 28 metres (approx. 91.86 feet) and a lot area of approximately 4,400 m2 (1.09 acres). The land to be retained by the Applicant (“retained lot”) will have a lot area of approximately 4,600 m2 (1.137 acres) and a lot frontage of approximately 28 metres (approx. 91.86 feet).
It is the intention of the Applicant to maintain the accessory building (indicated as “barn” on the attached sketch) on the severed lot without a dwelling. Approval for this would require a separate application to be considered by the Municipality of Lakeshore, since the Lakeshore Zoning By-law (2-2012) only permits an accessory building on a lot where there is a main building (dwelling) located on the lot. It is anticipated that at some point in the future a dwelling will be constructed on the severed lot.
Any lot deficiencies (minimum frontage, setbacks, etc.) under the Lakeshore Zoning By-law (2-2012) with respect to the severed and/or retained lot will need to be determined by a future land survey. A separate application to be considered by the Municipality of Lakeshore could be applied for by the Applicant to seek variance from lot requirements under the Zoning By-law (2-2012).
A map showing the location of the Subject Property today and sketches detailing the proposed land severance are attached to this notice.
TAKE NOTICE that an application under the above file number will be heard by the Committee on the date, time and place shown below:
DATE: February 12, 2025
TIME: 6:00 pm
LOCATION: 419 Notre Dame St, Belle River (Town Hall – Council Chambers)
This will be a hybrid public meeting where both in person attendance and electronic attendance is supported. There will be opportunities to provide oral input electronically and in person. Providing written comments, prior to a decision being made, is strongly encouraged.
During such a time any person who wishes to attend this Public Meeting electronically and/or speak at this meeting, you will need to register as a delegation for the meeting. Please provide your contact information (name, address, email and phone number) to Community Planning, via email to Ian Search, Planner, at or phone 519-728-1975, ext. 246, no later than the deadline of 24 hours prior to the date and time of the scheduled meeting. Attendees/Delegates will be contacted directly with registration details prior to the meeting.
- This is a Public Meeting called for the purpose of hearing evidence in support of or in opposition to the above-noted application for severance.
- Further information on this application may be obtained by contacting the undersigned. If you have comments on this application, they may be sent to Ian Search by emailing or submitted in person by appointment. Your comments will then be conveyed to the Committee of Adjustment members for consideration at the meeting.
- If a person or public body has the ability to appeal the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent (severance) to the Ontario Land Tribunal but does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Tribunal may dismiss the appeal.
- If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent (severance), you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment by contacting Ian Search (Secretary-Treasurer) by email or in person. Please see contact details below.
It is requested that this notice be posted by the owner of any land that contains seven or more residential units in a location that is visible to all of the residents.
Date of Notice: January 29th, 2025
- Ian William Search-Treasurer
- Committee of Adjustment, Municipality of Lakeshore
- 447 Renaud Line Road, Lakeshore, Ontario N8L 0J7
- Telephone (519) 728-1975 ext. 246
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