Municipality Of Lakeshore, Notice of Public Meeting/Complete Application
Zoning By-law Amendment
File Number: ZBA-12-2024 and ZBA-14-2024
Applicants: Greater Essex County District School Board (Owner) & Architecttura Inc. Architects c/o Michelle Caron (Agent) (0 Rourke Line Rd.) and MGV Development Inc. c/o Mike McMahon (1477 County Rd. 22)
Location of Property:
- 0 Rourke Line Road, Part of Lot 1, Concession between River Puce and Belle River, Maidstone, designated as Part 1 on Plan 12R29307; Town of Lakeshore
- 1477 County Road 22, Part of Lot 1, Concession between River Puce and Belle River, Maidstone, designated as Part 1 on Plan 12R16113; Lakeshore;
- Part of Lot 1, Concession between River Puce and Belle River, Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore; PIN 75031-1689(LT)
- Part of Lot 1, Concession between River Puce and Belle River, Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore; PIN 75031-1690(LT).
Purpose of Meeting: A Zoning By-law Amendment application for 1477 County Rd. 22 located on the west side of Rourke Line Road and south of County Road 22, was received. The subject property is designated “Mixed Use” by the Lakeshore Official Plan and zoned “Mixed Use Exception 37 with Holding Symbol (MU-37) (H30)” Zone by the Lakeshore Zoning By-law 2-2012 and “Residential 1 (R1)” zone by Zoning By-law 4170-ZN-94 was received. The subject property is currently vacant.
The purpose of this Zoning By-law amendment is to permit a residential development on the site including the construction of forty-one (41) townhouse/semi-detached dwellings and one (1) 6-storey multiple dwelling building with ninety (90) units. The applicant is requesting that the zoning of the subject site be amended to a site-specific Mixed-Use Zone that permits townhouses, semi-detached dwellings and a multiple dwelling building. The site-specific MU zone provisions to accommodate the overall proposed development are for:
- An increase in maximum height to 24.0 m;
- A reduced buffer strip in a yard abutting a residential, institutional, or parks and open space zone to 1.5 metres;
- An increase in maximum gross floor area of 12,500 m2; and Semi-detached and Townhouse Dwellings as a permitted use; in accordance with the following site-specific Residential – Medium Density (R2) Zone provisions:
- An increased maximum block coverage to 52%.
The amendment would also correct an institutional zone erroneously applied to 0 Rourke Line Rd.
Council will consider an amendment to Lakeshore Zoning By-law 2-2012, as amended (File: ZBA-12-2024 and ZBA-14-2024), under Section 24, R.S.O.1990, c.P.13.
Council Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. or as practical thereafter.
Meeting Location: Hybrid meeting with limited in-person attendance at Town Hall, 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River or by joining online at
To participate in this meeting virtually or in person, please complete the ‘Delegation Request Form’ which can be found at
Written Comments & Decision Notification: Any person may make written representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment. If you wish to make written comments or be notified of the decision of the Municipality of Lakeshore, you must make a written request to the attention of:
- Urvi Prajapati,
- Team Leader – Community Planning
- Municipality of Lakeshore
- 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River, ON, N8L 0P8
Or by emailing
Your comments on these matters are important. If you wish to provide comments, it is strongly encouraged to write an email or written correspondence, prior to a decision being made.
Right to Appeal: If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Municipality of Lakeshore to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipal Clerk of the Municipality of Lakeshore before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipal Clerk of the Municipality of Lakeshore before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Dated at the Municipality of Lakeshore this September 11, 2024.
Additional information relating to this matter is available for review at the Municipal Office during regular office hours or by calling 519-728-1975 x 241.
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Lakeshore Town Hall
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario N8L 0P8
Phone 519-728-2700
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