As the 2022 Municipal Election approaches, updates will be posted as new information becomes available. Please check back regularly for updated information on the election.
From May 2 – August 19, 2022, nominations will be accepted for the 2022 Municipal Election. If you’re thinking about running for Municipal Council or a local School Board, here is what you need to know.
Becoming a Candidate
Candidates' Guide
For a summary of general information about the rules contained in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and other legislation and regulations, read the Province of Ontario's Candidates' Guide for municipal council and school board elections.
Campaign Information
A candidate’s campaign period begins once their nomination paper is filed. A candidate package will be provided to all candidates, or those expressing an interest in becoming a candidate.
Policies & By-laws
- Use of Municipal Resources During Election Policy
- Sign By-law
Amendment to Sign By-law
Amendment to Sign By-law - Erection of Election Signs
Campaign and Candidate Key Dates
Date | Activity |
Monday, May 2, 2022 |
First day for candidates to file a nomination paper for the office of mayor, deputy mayor, councillor or school board trustee. First day for an individual or entity to file a notice of registration as a third party advertiser. |
Friday August 19, 2022 |
Filing of nominations start at 9:00 AM Last day for a candidate to file a nomination (deadline is 2:00 PM). Last day for a candidate to withdraw (deadline is 2:00 PM). |
Monday August 22, 2022 |
Certification of nomination papers to be completed by 4:00 PM. Declaration of acclamation provided after 4:00 PM. After candidates' certification, Proxy appointment forms available for electors who cannot vote on any of the voting days. |
Thursday September 1, 2022 |
Voters' list available to certified candidates. Revision period begins – Electors may update or add their name to the voters' list. |
Monday September 26, 2022 |
Final expense limits provided to candidates and third party advertisers. |
Friday October 21, 2022 |
Last day for an individual or entity to file a notice of registration as a third party advertiser. |
Wednesday September 28, 2022 |
Advance Voting at the Comber Community Centre (6211-6213 McAllaster Street) Noon to 8:00 PM |
Saturday October 8, 2022 |
Advance Voting at the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre (447 Renaud Line) Noon to 8:00 PM |
Monday October 24, 2022 |
Final Voting day, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM |
Monday December 31, 2022 |
Campaign period ends for candidates and registered third parties. Last day for candidate or registered third parties to file an Extension of campaign period (Form 6). |
Thursday, March 30, 2023 |
Last day for candidate or registered third party to apply to Superior Court of Justice to extend the time to file the financial statement. |
Friday March 31, 2023 |
Last day to file a primary financial statement for reporting period ending December 31, 2022 – applies to all candidates and third party advertisers (deadline is 2pm). Last day for candidate or registered third party to notify City Clerk of filing extension received from the Superior Court of Justice. |
Monday May 1, 2023 |
Last day for candidate or registered third party to file a primary financial statement and pay $500 late filing fee (deadline is 2 pm, penalties take affect at 2:01pm). |
Thursday June 29, 2023 |
Last day to request a compliance audit on a primary financial statement. |
Friday June 30, 2023 |
Last day of the extended campaign period for candidates and registered third party that extended their campaign period due to deficit, or that recommenced their campaign due to a recount, controverted election, or compliance audit |
Wednesday August 30, 2023 |
Last day to provide candidates and registered third parties with notice of the filing requirements for their supplementary financial statements and auditor's reports. |
Thursday September 28, 2023 |
Last day for candidate or registered third party to apply to Superior Court of Justice to extend the time to file the financial statement. |
Friday September 29, 2023 |
Last day to file a supplementary financial statement for reporting period ending August 30, 2023 – only applied to those who filed a Form 6 to extend the campaign period (deadline is 2:00 p.m.). Last day for candidate or registered third party to notify Clerk of filing extension received from the Superior Court of Justice. |
Monday October 30, 2023 |
Last day for candidate or registered third party to file a supplementary financial statement and pay $500 late filing fee (deadline is 2pm, penalties take affect at 2:01pm). |
Friday December 28, 2023 |
Last day to request a compliance audit on a supplementary financial statement. |
Nominations were accepted from Monday, May 2, 2022, at 8:30 AM until Friday, August 19, 2022 at 2:00 PM for the following offices:
- Mayor and Deputy Mayor
- Councillors
- Trustee – Greater Essex County District School Board
- Trustee – Windsor Essex County Catholic District School Board
- Trustee - Conseil scolaire Viamonde
- Trustee - Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
The following forms must be completed by the candidate.
- Form 1 Nomination Form
- Form 2 Endorsement of Nomination Form(please note, this form is only required for Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor candidates. Must be signed by 25 or more persons who are eligible to vote in the municipality if the election was to be held on the day the person endorses the nomination.)
These forms plus the applicable fee (Mayor and Deputy Mayor $200; all other offices, $100) must be filed in person or by an agent during regular business hours (8:30am–4:30pm) at Town Hall, 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River, between May 2, 2022 and August 18, 2022, or on the last day to file nominations, August 19, 2022, between 9AM and 2PM.
An appointment is required with the Civic Affairs Division to file nomination forms. To book an appointment, please call 519-728-1975 ext 265.
Please note, candidates are also required to provide proof of identification when they file their nomination (required under the Municipal Elections Act, 12 (3)) .
To run for Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor, on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:
- A Canadian citizen
- At least 18 years of age
- A resident of the Municipality of Lakeshore, or
- An owner or tenant of land in the Municipality of Lakeshore, or the spouse of the owner or tenant
- Not legally prohibited from voting
- Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office
To run for any of the four school boards on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:
- A Canadian citizen
- At least 18 years of age
- A resident in the area of jurisdiction of the board
- Not legally prohibited from voting
- Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office
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